Privacy Policy

All information collected by Image by Barth, whether directly provided by you or collected during your visit to our website, will be used to help us provide a more personalized experience for you, as well as to make your next visits more pleasant and efficient. Ensuring the confidentiality of your personal data is very important to us.

Who are we?

A Image by Barth is an image consulting brand,which through its services aims to contribute to a strong personal Branding of our clients,through personalized strategies that optimize their Visual Identity (Image).

How and what information is collected?

Image by Barth collects your data when you fill out existing forms of our website, subscribe to our newsletter or invest in our services.

Information is also collected through the use of Cookies.

According to the type of services provided, the following data can be collected, after your prior authorization:
- Name; 
- Birth date;
- Tax Identification Number; 
- Household; 
- Email;
- Phone number.

Why are you receiving our emails?

When you register on our website, fill in contact forms, sign up for a Waiting List or invest in any of our services, your data is used in our brand communication, via email (for example: Newsletter). 

Do you want to delete your information from our database?

You can, at any time, request the alteration or deletion of your data. To do so, just send an email to or to